William Kentridge, God’s Opinion Is Unknown, Giclée-Print on japanese Kozo-Paper, Chine-collé on Hahnemühle-Paper, Serigraph (Lapislazuli), 68 x 98 cm (motif 46.5 x 61.5 cm), 2019
(South Africa)
“Outside the studio, the artist needs to behave as a good citizen and member of civil society. Inside the studio she/he needs to be faithful to where the work leads.”
William Kentridge 2019
William Kentridge (born 1955 in Johannesburg, South Africa) is a South African artist best known for his prints, drawings, and animated films. These are constructed by filming a drawing, making erasures and changes, and filming it again. He continues this process meticulously, giving each change to the drawing a quarter of a second to two seconds' screen time. A single drawing will be altered and filmed this way until the end of a scene. These palimpsest-like drawings are later displayed along with the films as finished pieces of art.
William Kentridge, 1955 in Johannesburg als Sohn politisch engagierter Rechtsanwälte geboren, entwickelte sein ausuferndes Werk aus Zeichnung, Film und kinetischen Installationen unter dem Eindruck der Apartheid. In Deutschland war er prominent auf der Documenta 13 und im Frankfurter Liebighaus vertreten. 2017 inszenierte er den „Wozzeck“ bei den Salzburger Festspielen. 2019 erhielt er, wie vor ihm Gerhard Richter, den Praemium Imperiale, einen der höchstdotierten Kunstpreise der Welt.
Photo by Lucia Hunziker © Art 19 GmbH
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