Chiharu Shiota, Being Human, Lithograph/Serigraph on Somerset Satin paper, 98 x 68 cm, 2019
“In my opinion, art is the expression of freedom. We need art to communicate, to express our emotions. Those who create art invite others to question their humanity and existence. A space of free development is created. Art is the soul of society.”
Chiharu Shiota 2019
Chiharu Shiota (born 1972 in Osaka, Japan) is a Japanese installation artist. She has been living and working in Berlin since 1996. Shiota's oeuvre links various aspects of art performances and installation practices. Mostly renowned for her vast, room-spanning webs of threads, she links abstract networks with concrete everyday objects such as keys, windows, dresses, shoes, boats and suitcases. Besides installation works, she frequently collaborates with choreographers and composers for opera, concert and dance projects
Chiharu Shiota, 1972 in Osaka geboren, lebt seit 1996 in Berlin. Sie schafft raumfüllende Installationen aus Altbaufenstern oder riesigen Netzen roter Fäden, in die sie Klaviere, Taufkleider oder Koffer einwebt. Oder Krankenhausbetten, in denen auch mal echte Menschen schlafen.
Photo by Sunhi Mang © Art 19 GmbH
© Art 19 GmbH