Poughkeepsie Journal: U2, Yoko Ono, Eleanor Roosevelt and Amnesty International: Art 19 ties it all together
There aren’t many opportunities to mention Eleanor Roosevelt, Hyde Park, the Town of Woodstock, Bard College in Annandale, U2 and Yoko Ono in the same news article.
But this week, my friends, is my lucky week. And it's all thanks to an artistic endeavor called Art 19 launched by Amnesty International, the human rights organization that maintains a direct link to Roosevelt, the late first lady who lived and is buried in Hyde Park.
Amnesty International is raising money for its human rights work through Art 19. “Art 19” is a reference to Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which says, "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression."
Amnesty's philosophy is built around the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on Dec. 10, 1948. Eleanor Roosevelt — whose husband was President Franklin D. Roosevelt, a Hyde Park native and the nation's 32nd commander-in-chief — chaired the Universal Declaration of Human Rights drafting committee.
So how important is this document and Eleanor Roosevelt's work in its creation?
Speaking to the Journal about a year ago, in advance of the 70th anniversary of the UDHR on Dec. 10, 2018, Craig Mokhiber, as director of the New York office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, said, "We're at the moment now where the very idea of human rights is under threat.
"It is a moment at which the basic idea of human rights is being challenged. It’s a moment at which the rules of human rights are being breached with impunity. ... We definitely are at a moment in history where, if we didn’t have the declaration, we’d be working like crazy to draft one.”
Now let's look back to June 15, 1986. That's the day upon which I attended Amnesty International's "A Conspiracy of Hope" concert tour stop at the old Giants Stadium in New Jersey.
The concert lasted many hours. Peter Gabriel, Yoko Ono, The Police and U2 were among the many acts to perform. And I learned for the first time about the global battle for human rights and Amnesty's work in defense of them.
In 2002, I was very glad to meet Ono when she visited Bard College to receive an honorary doctor of fine arts degree.
''Don't fight for peace,'' she told the audience. ''Stand for peace."
So I was not surprised to see that Ono is part of a group of artists whose works are raising money for Amnesty's efforts through Art 19. The other artists featured in Box One, the first phase of Art 19, are Ayşe Erkmen; Shilpa Gupta; Ilya and Emilia Kabakov; William Kentridge; Shirin Neshat; Gerhard Richter; Chiharu Shiota; Kiki Smith; and Rosemarie Trockel.
The works of these artists are being showcased around the world as part of Art 19. And Ono's strong commitment to world peace and her strong ties to New York were underscored recently when her artwork, "A Piece of Sky," was displayed in Manhattan's Times Square.
Art 19's reach is broad and it links together such cities as Berlin, Prague, Paris and Geneva.
But this initiative serves as a strong reminder of the Hudson Valley's enduring bond with the global defense of human rights; the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Amnesty International; and the many ways that art can serve as a catalyst for bringing us all together.
Amnesty International also showcased its ability to use art in the defense of human rights, and its links to our region, when the song "Toast to Freedom," which marked the organization's 50th anniversary, was recorded in Woodstock and released in 2012.
Please, enjoy all the art and the music. Please read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was crafted by one of the Hudson Valley's most famous residents. And please, be nice to one another.
Visit www.art-19.com to learn about the artwork. Visit www.amnestyusa.org to learn more about Amnesty International.
John W. Barry’s column appears every Friday: jobarry@poughkeepsiejournal.com, 845-437-4822, Twitter: @JohnBarryPoJo
John W. Barry Poughkeepsie Journal
Published 7:00 AM EST Dec 18, 2019