E-flux : Résister, encore.


Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne (MCBA)

Amar Kanwar, Such a morning, 2017. Single-channel video installation, color, sound, 85 minutes, looped. Installation view, Galerie Marian Goodman, London. Courtesy of the artist and Marian Goodman Gallery, Paris. Photo: Thierry Bal.

Résister, encore
February 18–May 15, 2022.

Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne (MCBA)
Place de la Gare 16
1003 Lausanne
Hours: Tuesday–Sunday 10am–6pm,
Thursday 10am–8pm

T +41 21 316 34 45

Artists: Miriam Cahn, Banu Cennetoğlu, Michel François, Philip Guston, Thomas Hirschhorn, Amar Kanwar, William Kentridge, Kimsooja, Sigalit Landau, Nalini Malani, Teresa Margolles, Zanele Muholi, Félix Vallotton, Fabrice Gygi

Withdrawal, silence, resilience, outcry, indignation, protestation, action, reflection, satire, humor...this collective show exemplifies the forms of resistance artists have developed when faced with the great challenges of our age—those forms amount to survival strategies.

Nowadays there is no dearth of opportunities and urgency to resist the “system”—whether named or not. We are witnessing an increasingly emphatic distrust of the political class, whose lack of responsiveness or real powerlessness is pushing a growing number of people to resist by publicly protesting everything, including experiments carried out on animals, massive deforestation, globalization, White supremacy, and sexist advertising.

Exhibition curator: Bernard Fibicher, director of MCBA.

All events are located at Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne unless otherwise specified. 

Guided tour (in French): 
February 20, 11am–12pm, every Sunday

Film screenings: Roger Ballen, Outland, 2015; Roger the Rat, 2020; Asylum of the Birds, 2014 (45 minutes)
February 24, 6:30–7:15pm, free admission

Guided tour for the Ami·e·s du Musée (in French), with Bernard Fibicher, director
March 3, 6–7pm 
March 8, 12:30–1:30pm

Guided tour (in French) 
March 3, 6:30–7:30pm

xtramural preview
Nabil Ayouch, Casablanca Beats/Haut et Fort, 2021 (101 minutes) 
March 8, in the evening, with the filmmaker in attendance, free admission
Festival du film et forum international sur les droits humains de Genève (FIFDH)

Adult workshop: “Création en manifestation”—sketches and writing around the program of events in Lausanne for Women’s Rights Day on March 8, by Laure Marville, artist. In accordance with the events’ schedule.
March 8, 5:30–8pm
March 10, 5:30–8pm
Price: CHF 70 / 50

Extramural preview: Nabil Ayouch, Casablanca Beats/Haut et Fort, 2021, (101 minutes)
March 9, 8–9:40pm, with the filmmaker in attendance, free admission
Cinémathèque Suisse, Lausanne

Film screening: Ai Weiwei, Cockroach, 2020, 93 minutes
March 10, 6:30–8pm, free admission

Kids workshops: “Résister par le mouvement” in partnership with the AVDC—Association vaudoise de danse contemporaine, with Natacha Garcin, dancer, and Dragos Tara, double bass player. 9 to 15 years old, price: CHF 15
March 12, 2–5pm
April 9, 2–5pm
May 14, 2–5pm, as part of the Fête de la Dance

Family tour: “Conte-moi les résistances” by Céline Cerny, author and storyteller
March 13, 3–4:30pm, 7-year-olds and up with an adult

Film screening: Mieke Bal and Michelle Williams Gamaker, Une longue histoire de folie, 2011, 120 minutes
March 17, 6:30–8:30pm, free admission

Debates: “Résister par l’action”: Argument and airings proposed by Charles Kleiber on four themes, migrations, democracies, genders, and possible futures, with the participation of many well-known figures
March 19, 2–10pm, free admission

Performances: “Nous sommes partout”: A collective lecture produced by Collective reading produced by Dreams Come True, Hichmoul Pilon Production and the collective Anthropie. Free admision
March 24, 6:30–7:30pm
March 26, 2–3pm

Guided tour (in French)
March 31, 6:30–7:30pm
April 7, 6:30–7:30pm
April 21, 6:30–7:30pm
May 5, 6:30–7:30pm

Guided tour (in English) 
April 3, 2–3pm

Family tour: “Conte-moi les résistances” by Céline Cerny, author and storyteller, 7-year-olds and up with an adult
April 10, 3–4:30pm
May 8, 3–4:30pm

“Animation de croquis sur tablette,” Part of PâKOMUZé →, 9 to 15 years old, price: CHF 15
April 26, 1:30–5pm
April 27, 1:30–5pm
April 28, 1:30–5pm
April 29, 1:30–5pm

Film screening: Olivier Zuchuat, Le périmètre de Kamsé, 2021, 93 minutes
May 5, 6:30–8pm, free admission

Sound performance by Julie Semoroz
May 12, 6:30–7:30pm, free admission

Guided tour by the exhibition curator (in French)
May 15, 3–4pm, with Bernard Fibicher, director

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