American songwriter : Yoko Ono is a Genius on Twitter


By JACOB UITTI, 02-04-2022.

When Peter Jackson’s docu-series The Beatles: Get Back premiered in 2021 over Thanksgiving weekend on Disney+, the world got a new picture of Yoko Ono, the Japanese artist who married John Lennon and somehow earned a shoddy reputation thanks to many untruths about her relationship to the band.

Now, Ono is growing a new reputation. Recently Japanese Breakfast covered one of her songs (see below) and fans have commented how she has been treated poorly these past few decades.

But Ono probably doesn’t care much about all that. Because she didn’t care what anyone had to say prior, either. At least not in any way that deterred her art, her activism, or her work.

These days, the 88-year-old Ono is killing it on Twitter. Just check out these words of wisdom she dropped to her 4-plus-million followers from the past few weeks:

Feb 3: “I have my own dreams and agenda. So I can’t be listening to negative talk from big mouths.”

Feb 2: “Art means creativity. We will put together all of our creativity and make a great world. Yes, we will!”

Feb 1: “We are all people who are into being entertained, day and night. Once it was just kings and queens who asked to have a life of being entertained. Stop being entertained. Feel love for cleaning up your life. You will feel better and be healthy as well. Start there.”

Jan 31: “Speeding up is always the wrong thing to do. Give yourself a chance to go by the rhythm of your own heart.”

Jan 30: “I would like to see a society in which we don’t need to use anything to hurt each other. We are all wishing for such a day to come soon. Aren’t we?”

Jan 29: “Positive energy can always change everything.”

Truly, the list of inspirational, loving, and thoughtful quotes continues. For someone who was berated for decades for breaking up one of the best bands of all time, who was derided for her love with Lennon (which was a two-way street, of course) and many other aspects of her life, Ono is not only getting the last laugh, she doesn’t care who hears it because for so many years all the ears were deaf when it came to her talent and perspective.

Keep up the good job, Yoko!

Jan 28: “I am remembering that I don’t just love blue skies. I always loved grey skies as well. To me, growing up is awakening to the beauty of all people and all things in life. And I’m still growing.”

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gabriela ancoYoko Ono